Friday, February 18, 2011

16/365 Supply Closet

Bet you guys thought I'd forget to post my picture today, huh?  It is sort of late for me but my dad and step mom came into town and as soon as I got off work I came home to try to make the homestead a little more presentable and then visited with them when they got here.  Then we unloaded furniture and when my hubby got home we went and had a nice dinner at Riverside.  

I took this picture in our supply closet at work because it was so darn neat and organized.  I thought it looked neat.  I opened it in Photoshop and after basic levels and curves adjustments, I wasn't pleased with the softness of the focus.  So...I applied the midnight sepia action to it and really enjoy the outcome!  This was taken with my cell phone so the settings are the same as all previous cell phone pictures.

Tomorrow night...LIGHT PAINTING with Onslow Photographers Group!

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