Thursday, February 10, 2011

8/365 Ryleigh

I have always wanted a lab and when we were given the opportunity to get one I was so super excited.  He was the most adorable puppy I had ever seen and I had never had a dog from newborn.  He's 19 months old now and all boy and all puppy...STILL!  :)  I didn't know when we got him that Lab's tend to stay "puppy" for about 3 years before they start to mellow and settle down.  Sometimes, he drives us nuts because he rarely lays down and "chills out" and he always thinks it's playtime.  BUT...he's awesome and I couldn't be more glad that we got him.  He fits perfectly in our family.  (The idea that they are perfect "family" dogs IS accurate!)  One of the best qualities of him is that he is so super photogenic.  If and when I can catch him still long enough to get good focus on him, his photos have turned out beautifully.  So...tonight, I went out in the back yard with my Nikon to see what I could see and after trying a few shots of him running around, he finally stopped by a pile of brush to look towards a sound I guess he heard.  I snapped this shot off pretty quick so it's not "tack" sharp but I really love the picture.  This lens I only recently purchased makes me smile every time.  The drop off in focus is beautiful to me and make shots of things like this stand out so much better than my old lenses.  I think I might even commit to some portrait work as I get more used to it because of this.  

My settings were, ISO 320 (still haven't changed that darn thing back to 100 because I keep forgetting), 1/60 sec & F2.8 with white balance set to cloudy because I like the warm tones from it much better than some of the other options.

1 comment:

Jennifer C said...

What a pretty puppy!! love the color of background too.
My mom has 2 Black Labs too, they make the best buddies!


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